New Year Reflections and Resolutions

new year, resolutions, Uncategorized / Wednesday, January 1st, 2014

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2014!

With each new year comes reflections on the previous year and resolutions for the new year. What am I reflecting on? Money. Panicking somewhat, but that is a kind of reflecting right?

Here’s my resolutions for 2014:

1. Don’t panic so much. I have lots of prayer on the agenda for 2014 in an effort to calm my fears and nerves. There is never enough money, but not having enough is clear when you see that number. Regardless, I have continued to make ends meet, have a roof over my head, and a belly full of food. So, stopping to be grateful even when I miss my financial goals or have a bill that I cannot pay is top of the list.

2. Be more transparent about my money. I have some new segments planned for the blog that I have talked over with my husband and I am going to try to be more open about where we are financially, our setbacks, our victories, and the struggle to get out of debt and into financial security. This also means that I have to say no (out loud) when I cannot afford to do something or purchase something.

3. Focus more on blogging. I love blogging but I have been somewhat haphazard about it so I am going to try out a more regular posting schedule. Hopefully you will be hearing more from me in 2014!

4. Make more side income. Whether through sponsored posts, ad sales, mystery shopping, online surveys, Elance work, or any other side work, I need to boost my income if I am ever going to get to England this summer for my sister’s wedding.

5. Pay for travel to my sister’s wedding in England with cash. This is kind of a scary goal because I am still so far away cash-wise (I still need around $4k!), but I am saying it here because I don’t want to take out a loan and I want to show my parents that I can be responsible and pay for this big expense myself (ie. I really don’t want to borrow from them).

6. Lose 10-15 pounds. Yeah, it’s not personal finance related but it’s personal. I would like to make a commitment to myself and get rid of those few pounds that irritate me. Plus, more exercise will help me meet my GymPact every week and will help me manage stress better.

7. Work Harder at Work (and hopefully get a promotion!). I am hoping to get a promotion in February and I want to work hard to make sure I get it. These things are not always determined on how hard I work (budget cuts, etc) but there is never any backfire to hard work.

How did I do on my 2013 Resolutions?

1) Get in Shape- I would say I get a B. I started running and am stronger, but I still weigh the same and would like to tone up. I am quantifying this for 2014.

2) Save Money (at least have an emergency fund)- I get a D. We saved some then spent it, saved then spent it, ending the year with $120 and repaired cars.

3) Pay off more debt- We crossed some small medical debts off our list, but accrued more. More on this in a separate post.

4) Be on time- I get a C. I try, but fail.

5) Listen more. -Again a C. I think I have tried to listen more but I still talk a lot.

6) Pray and meditate regularly- D. I am not regular with this. Let’s try again next year.

7) Practice patience- B. 2014 has brought a lot of new changes (moving, new job, making new friends, financial strains), but so far I have made it through them with only small tantrums and tears (mostly about money and being homesick). Now I can look back and see how much that pain has become growth.