I Got Paid!

I got paid, Uncategorized / Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

Online surveys and mystery shopping get a bad rap. Many people think that they are just scams but there are really some great (and legitimate) companies out there that will pay you for your time and effort. And to prove it, here’s what I earned from online surveys and mystery shopping last month, among other endeavors. I completed these mystery shops and surveys in the previous month (or earlier) and received the payment this month. Some of these mystery shops required me to pay something out of pocket to purchase a good or service (which I get to keep) but I was reimbursed for my purchase and was usually paid an additional fee.

January 2013
Endorse– $13.23 (such a neat app!)
Selling stuff on Ebay- $17.27
MarketForce– $122.27
Trendsource/MSI Shopper– $25.00

Total Earned: $177.77

Yep, December was a slow month for mystery shopping for me so I didn’t get paid as much in January.

What did I do with this money?

It went mostly to savings and to cover the cost of gas. I have started putting aside some funds in my online ING Orange savings account to squirrel away for traveling to my sister’s wedding in 2014 in England.

What did you earn last month?