How I’m Saving Today

how i'm saving today, Uncategorized / Friday, October 14th, 2011

Last weekend I ended up spending quite a bit stocking up on grocery items, but to balance it out I spent almost nothing this week (except for buying gas) and I don’t need groceries for a while (unless they are free!). I got my 20 Balance Bar coupons in the mail ($.55/1) which I had ordered on Ebay and I went to Safeway Tuesday night to use them while Balance Bars were still on sale for $1.00. So they were all $.10 moneymakers! I also used a coupon to get almost free handsoap and used the overage to pay for coffee filters, which never have coupons. My total came to -$.22! Safeway has a policy not to give cash back from coupons so I didn’t get the 22 cents but but I walked out with all this stuff without paying a cent! YAY!