How I’m Saving Today

how i'm saving today, Uncategorized / Monday, November 21st, 2011

I did some sale-rack early Christmas shopping as I perused the sale racks at Ann Taylor Loft and found some great gifts for my sister (and a dress for myself). I got them all at a great price and I really think that my sister will love the gifts. I’ll be honest and say that the dress wasn’t in my budget and was a definite impulse buy but luckily I am so frugal that $30 is considered a splurge (on sale from $90 I might add) and I have already worn it twice so I think it was worth it. Also, I did a mystery shop this week and had a very nice dinner with my husband which we will get paid $15 for! I did some minimal grocery shopping this weekend to get some great stock up deals and fixins for the turkey I made this weekend, but it was less than $25. To top off the week I got a red light camera ticket so I guess that this was not much of a saving week. I tried to be frugal about my purchases, didn’t eat out, and did a mystery shop, but the unexpected ticket is a budget buster. Better luck next week I hope!